Should I trust my smile to “mail order“ aligners?

Often the temptation of splashy “mail order” aligner commercials or even “special offers” from university alumni associations might entice you to try “mail order” aligners.

There are compelling reasons to trust your orthodontic care to a professional orthodontist who is experienced with Invisalign. A thorough in-person orthodontic exam along with the appropriate records to diagnose and plan your case are essential to a successful outcome. A recent survey of “mail order” aligner users and orthodontists is summarized in an article highlighting some of these differences: AAO SURVEY

If you had braces when you were younger, but stopped wearing your retainers and watched your teeth move, don’t worry we can help you.

If you thought you did not need orthodontics when you were younger, but now your teeth are no longer straight, we can help you.

We offer options tailored to your goals and the amount of change you need. Some treatments can be as short as 10 weeks, others may be more comprehensive. With the right plan we can make the changes you are seeking and restore your confidence in your smile.

As an orthodontist, I use Invisalign because they are the leaders in aligner technology that allows me to deliver on results for my patients.

If you are considering Invisalign or aligners, please give our office a call to schedule your in office consultation for Invisalign treatment.